Thursday, April 24, 2014

More "Memorials"

Today I realized that these sculptures are "memorials"
for both the earth and the animals whose bones
I find while I'm out walking

 Sea Creature
This one is a little different. I found bones from 
a smaller animal. It's a tiny bit creepy, but the
bones are so beautiful, I had to do something to
show them off.

These jaw bones are from the same small critter as
those used in Sea Creature, most likely a cat. 

Can you find the piece of rusty metal?

Made For Each Other
I have tried and tried to use these beautiful
vertebrae. I finally found the right rock. The
title actually refers to the bones, but having 
just written that I finally found the right rock,
It becomes more about the interaction between
rock and bones.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

More, More New Work

"A wing/a prayer"
This is a very weathered (old) jaw bone. It's too big to be a deer (I think)

"A wing/a prayer"
The other side. Some of these sculptueres can be viewed
from different directiions depending on your "druthers"

"Slant" (temporary title)
It's unusual to not know the name of a piece, but 
this time I'm just not certain. I had this wonderful small
jawbone. I thought I had the perfect rock for it. I was wrong. 
Then I found the perfect rock, but I still don't have a title.

"Perfect Curve"
When I found this rock I was in awe. I can't believe I 
can keep finding such amazing pieces of nature. Of course, 
it being nature, I should know by now that it's 
infinite. I absolutely love this one. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

More New Work

 each-other's one
This is "2 piece" bone. I don't find these very often.
The others I have found are "fused" together,
but this one came apart easily.

totem w/green rocks
This is a very old and weathered
set of vertebrae that are naturally fused
together. It just said "totem" to me

3 decayed vertebrae. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Along the same lines

this one got named because the antler reminded me of
the beautiful line a dancer's arm and hand make
when the arm is outstretched

the next 4 are actually 1 piece 
turned 1/4 turn for each photo
the different "faces" each evoke different feelings
when I look at them




 two by two

small boat/small wave

what can I say, I'm a whitewater kayaker, and
everyone knows that rocks make waves
and a kayak is a small boat to be sure

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Work

I've been doing new work. Unlike anything I've ever done, except maybe gluing popsicle sticks and macaroni together in kindergarden. Its been so much fun. I am truly amazed by this work and I love going out with Pearl (my wild and crazy cattle dog) on our "rambles". I have my little bucket with me so I can pick up rocks and bones that catch my eye. I'm living in a very remote part of NE California in the high desert with the Warner Mountains right outside my windows and Surprise Valley out my front door and the Hays Range 7 miles east on the other side of the valley. The Applegate trail (that led to Oregon where I live part of the year with my sweetheart and our 2 cats and Pearl (much to the cat's chagrin) goes through Surprise Valley so this place is sort of connected with my other home place. I like that.

This is the  very first sculpture. Originally, I had something else in mind, but the rib-bones (most likely Mule deer) wouldn't obey so I just started moving them around until I found something pleasing to me. There's no way I could've created this in my mind before hand. 

Usually I find it hard to name my work. I have lots of "Untitled" paintings. These sculpures seem to come with their names already there. 

I love this one. When I first put this together I drilled a hole in the rock that I found while I was on a walk where I live in NE CA. Then I drilled a hole in the bone and connected them with a piece of rusty baling wire. As I was photographing it, I moved it and the bone fell off the wire. When I tried to put it back together I realized that it had just been a coincidence that it balanced right where I put it the first time I set it up. So I had to re-find the balance point. I love its simplicity and the fact that the bone is balanced on the wire which is at such a crazy angle.

This is another one where I thought I knew what I wanted, but the bones and rock told me something else. I had to fill a couple of tiny holes I had already drilled when I realized it wasn't going the way I had planned. This reminds me of a Japanese house. Now I know that just because something is "set in stone" doesn't mean it can't be changed.

"Natural Causes"
First I found the rock. I just loved the crescent shape. Later I found the bone, a very broken leg bone (I'm guessing mule deer because that's what we have here, along with mountain lions to eat them) that I "knew" was meant for the rock, The bone was very fragile but I was able to stabilize the it and then attached it to the rock. This is one of my favorites

Another one that started out differently and ended up here.