Wednesday, February 12, 2014

More, More New Work

"A wing/a prayer"
This is a very weathered (old) jaw bone. It's too big to be a deer (I think)

"A wing/a prayer"
The other side. Some of these sculptueres can be viewed
from different directiions depending on your "druthers"

"Slant" (temporary title)
It's unusual to not know the name of a piece, but 
this time I'm just not certain. I had this wonderful small
jawbone. I thought I had the perfect rock for it. I was wrong. 
Then I found the perfect rock, but I still don't have a title.

"Perfect Curve"
When I found this rock I was in awe. I can't believe I 
can keep finding such amazing pieces of nature. Of course, 
it being nature, I should know by now that it's 
infinite. I absolutely love this one.